
Welcome to C-Side Media.


  • Auckland Allies, a series of contemporary urban fantasy novels set in Auckland, New Zealand
  • The Gryphon Clerks, a series of steampunkish fantasy novels with heroic civil servants
  • Hand of the Trickster, sword-and-sorcery heists
  • Short Stories, a site collecting my short fiction
  • The Well-Presented Manuscript, a nonfiction book on fixing common mistakes in order to make your writing more impressive to editors and readers
  • Reeves-McMillan Editorial Services, the copy editing, line editing and proofreading practice I run with my wife
  • Works (mostly visual art and poetry)
  • City of Masks, the blog for the novel (speculative fiction: a city where everyone must wear masks and act in character at all times)
  • Gu, the blog which is the novel (SF: a documentary about a product that can take any shape, 15 years after its invention)
  • The Y People, the other blog which is the novel (YA spec fic: young people with powers try to figure out why they have them and how to be decent human beings), on probably permanent hiatus.

A few people (as you’ll see from the comments below) have approached me via this page to ask me to review their books, so I will state my review policy here: I don’t do reviews by request, since I almost without exception find that I don’t enjoy the books and can’t give them good reviews. I only review books I choose for myself. My review site is here and this is the full review policy.

Thanks for stopping by.

– Mike Reeves-McMillan

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7 Responses to Welcome

  1. Mike,

    I ran across your reviewer profile while reading reviews on Amazon. I’m writing to ask if you would consider reviewing my forthcoming YA science fiction novel, CHIMERA. The book features plenty of action, round characters, and better-than-average science.

    CHIMERA is receiving excellent early reviews on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24980186-chimera

    The novel is slated for release on the 25th of April. I’d love to send you an advance reader copy if you’re interested.

    Nathan M. Beauchamp

  2. Glen Hendrix says:

    If you enjoy science fiction, I would like to send you a copy of my book “Transmat World” for you to read on your Kindle. It is a post apocalyptic, pan galactic, trans universal space opera. I’m fishing for a review on Amazon, but you are not obligated in any way to review it even if you read it. Honest.
    Here’s the back story. I paid an editor several hundred dollars to edit and proofread this book before publication. Recently, I took several pages and pasted them into ProWritingAid, an online editing software program. Shocked and embarrassed by the number of things it turned up, I have now re-edited the entire book using ProWritingAid and republished it.
    Don’t cheap out on your editing? If you want it done right, do it yourself? Not sure the moral to this story. If you’re curious about the book and how well this software works, reply to this email. I will send you a copy.

  3. Dave Neuendorf says:


    I saw that you reviewed Larry Kollar’s Accidental Sorcerers on Amazon. Given that you are interested in fantasy, I believe that you would like my recently published The Summoned King, on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BKYMI3Q?*Version*=1&*entries*=0. I’m just getting started, and any reviews, good, bad, or in-between, will be a big help in getting my book established. I would be very grateful if you would take a look at it.

    Dave Neuendorf

  4. Fayley Arthur says:

    Hi, on Goodreads you have Mr Bucket For Assembly as being published December 2″16 by CAide media – but I can’t find it! Can you please send me a link to where I can buy it please? Thanks fayley

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