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Gu is a science fiction novel in more or less the style of Charles Stross.
Gu - the Protean substance, the last industrial product, the stuff that can be anything, can morph into any shape. Susan Halwaz, the famous maker of digital-experience documentaries, is tracing the human story of the development of Gu. You experience this story through her eyes and the eyes of the people she interviews.
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Category Archives: piracy
Unconstrained Morph
You are Bill Davidman, and you are exercised. This is quite usual. “You see, exing that clip, what I’m struck by is the dishonesty underneath the apparent frankness,” you say to Halwaz. “That last remark. ‘There’s nothing like an economic … Continue reading
Posted in art, Bill Davidman, intellectual property, Jacob Merrilees, lawyer, open-source, Pat Finnan, piracy, security