Short Stories, and an Announcement

I’ve put three short stories up on Amazon as a collection for 99c. I plan to publish more short stories this year – potentially, I’ll add them to this same collection, and get Amazon to alert purchasers to an “update” so that people who’ve already bought them get more stories at no extra charge. (Edited to say: There’s at least a possibility that the small press HDWP Books will bring out an anthology collecting the stories I’ve done for their Theme-Thology volumes as well as some other short stories of mine later this year, so I’ve pulled the mini-collection. Further details in this follow-up post.)

The three stories are:

Good Neighbours: An elderly woman must answer the classic question: Who is my neighbour? (Formerly appeared in New Realm magazine in December 2013.)
2700 words.

Vegetation: In an old Elvish city, plants are everywhere. And goodness knows, someone has to look after them. A lighthearted, Wodehousian piece.
2300 words.

Gnome Day: An idealistic young clerk helps out on the night the gnomes are freed, and meets three people who will change his life.
6000 words. (This story is available for free to subscribers to my mailing list.)

Speaking of writing, I’ve been accepted as a contributor to the popular Fantasy Faction fansite. I’ll be sharing some of my reviews there, and I also hope to publish some blog posts. These will be posts that I would previously have put up here with the category “Manifesto-esque Rantings” or “Craft”. Instead of publishing those posts here, I’ll focus more on making this a site for my readers, not so much for fellow writers. I’ll share any Fantasy Faction posts as they’re published, via my Google+ profile. I may also make a page on here as a directory to them.

Fantasy Faction gets about 2000 visitors a day and has already won a couple of minor awards, so I’m pleased to be writing for them. Since what I write for them will be reviews and posts I was going to write anyway, I promise it won’t slow down the production of Gryphon Clerks fiction.


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Mike Reeves-McMillan lives in Auckland, New Zealand, the setting of his Auckland Allies contemporary urban fantasy series; and also in his head, where the weather is more reliable, and there are a lot more wizards. He also writes the Gryphon Clerks series (steampunk/magepunk), the Hand of the Trickster series (sword-and-sorcery heist capers), and short stories which have appeared in venues such as Compelling Science Fiction and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores.

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