I’ve heard it said that your first million words is how you learn to write. If that’s so, then I must count as a journeyman; with the publication of Underground War, the second in the Realm Agents series, I now have just over a million words of novels and novellas available on Amazon. That doesn’t count the 30,000-word novella and the 43,000 words of short fiction that are exclusively available to subscribers to my mailing list, or the 30,000 words of uncollected short fiction I’ve sold to various venues (note to self: collect that at some point).
To celebrate, I’m having a Million Words Sale. All my novels and novellas are 99c each on Amazon for a week, including the new novel. There are 15 titles, so you can buy a million words of my fiction and still have change left over out of $15 (USD). Just follow the links from the sidebar on this site.
So, what’s the new novel all about? Here’s the blurb:
Dedicated agents fight against determined adversaries who want to bring down the realm.
Much has changed in the ten years since the Unification War created the new realm of Koslin and freed the gnomes from servitude to their dwarf masters. But every change creates winners and losers, and a loose and surreptitious alliance including old-line dwarves and separatist insurgents is fighting an underground war against the realm.
Opposing them, Piston and his dedicated colleagues in the Realm Agents use the latest in magical technology to track down and oppose political corruption and attacks against vital infrastructure. But will they be able to put the pieces together before a devastating strike destroys what they are sworn to protect?
Underground War follows straight on from the first Realm Agents book, Capital Crimes, and also brings in some characters from the Gryphon Clerks books (which share the same setting): Briar the snarky lawyer, her gentleman-friend Active Hedger, and Hope the brilliant mage all make appearances, as do Bucket and Braise, the gnome politicians, and Ladle, the newspaper editor. But there’s enough backstory slipped in that if you haven’t read the earlier books, or haven’t read them in a while, you can make sense of what’s going on; all my beta readers were new to the world, and they seemed to make out fine.
Still, why not get the other books and binge-read them? They’re 99c each.
Mike Reeves-McMillan lives in Auckland, New Zealand, the setting of his Auckland Allies contemporary urban fantasy series; and also in his head, where the weather is more reliable, and there are a lot more wizards. He also writes the Gryphon Clerks series (steampunk/magepunk), the Hand of the Trickster series (sword-and-sorcery heist capers), and short stories which have appeared in venues such as Compelling Science Fiction and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores.
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