Auckland Allies is out!

AucklandAllies_MRMCover_500x780I’m pleased to announce that the first book in my new urban fantasy series, Auckland Allies, is available from Amazon (other outlets to follow soon).

As bit players in the world of magic, Tara, Sparx, and their clairvoyant acquaintance Steampunk Sally are careful to stay clear of New Zealand’s supernatural politics. So after Sally uses her powers to win a little money at blackjack, it’s a nasty surprise when hired goons come after them.

Hitting the streets, they try to find out who these Blokes in Black work for, why such a dangerous and powerful figure has his sights set on three magical nobodies–and how to protect themselves.

They discover a plot to use Auckland’s volcanoes in a massive demon-summoning ritual, which nobody else is equipped to stop. The question is: are they?

I have six more books at various degrees of “planned” for the series. I’ve already started on the second book, Auckland Allies: Newtonian Manuscript, in which a magical text by Sir Isaac Newton, a nonmagical ex-girlfriend, and a necromantic threat all interfere with Sparx and Sally’s attempt to make a living supplying costumes and props to New Zealand’s film industry.

This is going to be more of a “continuing story” series than the Gryphon Clerks’ “meanwhile, elsewhere” approach. Each book will build on the previous one, but be complete in itself, with the first chapter or two reminding or informing readers who these people are and why they’re all fighting.

Early feedback indicates that this is a solid, fun novel with good potential for a series, and I’m excited to see how it goes. Pick up your copy from Amazon.

Other News

My Short Story Challenge project is going well; so far this year I’ve made 42 submissions (only two short of 2014’s full-year total), and had seven acceptances, which I’m super-happy about. Most of the acceptances have been recent, so the only one published since my last update is  “Lock and Key,” in which a clever alchemist in an Arabian-Nights setting solves several murders.

All the details of my short story sales and where they will appear are on the short stories page at the website. Coming very soon is In Memory, a tribute anthology to Sir Terry Pratchett in aid of Alzheimer’s research, in which I have a piece.

Next year I hope to write at least two dozen stories, so if you like my short fiction there’s plenty more coming. And if novels are more your speed, make sure to pick up Auckland Allies.

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Mike Reeves-McMillan lives in Auckland, New Zealand, the setting of his Auckland Allies contemporary urban fantasy series; and also in his head, where the weather is more reliable, and there are a lot more wizards. He also writes the Gryphon Clerks series (steampunk/magepunk), the Hand of the Trickster series (sword-and-sorcery heist capers), and short stories which have appeared in venues such as Compelling Science Fiction and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores.

2 thoughts on “Auckland Allies is out!

  1. Got it on the wish-list!

    Will probably manage to purchase within a week or so, just can’t do so today. My Amazon wish-list is more like a reminder list for me. hahahaha!

    Thanks, Mike
    Glad to get the news when the new ones come out.

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