I mentioned a couple of posts back that one of the best pieces of advice my editor, Kathleen Dale, gave me was to give my protagonist a problem that he’s trying to resolve right from Chapter 1.
Not only do we identify with someone who’s trying to solve a problem, they’re a lot more interesting to read about. I’ve read a few books lately in which the would-be protagonists are actually more like tourists. They get on the airship (literally, in at least one case) and watch out the window as what plot there is goes by. Other people do things, and the viewpoint character acts as a kind of mobile lens that observes without much participation. Sometimes, they seem to be there mainly to tour the author’s wonderful setting and exclaim over it.
This is boring. Protagonists should protagonise.
Therefore, set your protagonist up with something they want that they’re going to have to work for.
Raising the Stakes
The next obvious question is “why does the protagonist care?” If the protagonist isn’t invested, the reader won’t be invested. They need to have some skin in the game.
This is where raising the stakes comes in.
You could not do better, at this point, than to head over to Writing Excuses and listen to their podcast episode on Raising the Stakes, because they do a great job. One of the things they emphasize is that it’s not necessary to use what I call the Alderaan Gambit in order to raise the stakes. Blowing things up, or threatening to blow things up, is not necessary. It’s not even sufficient. What you’re setting out to do is to give a compelling reason why the character is emotionally invested in a particular outcome (and then you put obstacles between the character and the outcome, and suddenly you have a story).
Here’s what I did, following Kathleen’s advice and the advice of the Writing Excuses crew. Kathleen noted that I didn’t need to make the Chapter 1 problem the main problem of the book, but as it happened that worked better than anything else I thought of, so my character’s problem is that the Human Purity movement is gaining in power and popularity in the realm he’s supposed to be ruling.
So why is that a problem? Well, he’s supposed to be in charge, but he’s feeling like he’s not in charge, so…
No. Stronger.
He’s educated in history, and he opposes their racist philosophy because he knows it’s built on a foundation of lies and distortion, and…
No. It needs to be much stronger than that. Make it personal.
Now, I knew that Determined, the protagonist, and Admirable, the antagonist, were around the same age and had both gone to the College of Ancient Turfrae. Could they have met there? Could there be history between them?
And then I thought about my own university experience of becoming involved with a (much less sinister) group which had a particular ideology, and how they trained me to see everything through that ideology, and to identify with their “in” group against the “out” group, and this is what I wrote. Determined is talking to his ally Victory.
“All right,” he said. “The Countygold of Upper Hills and I were at the College of Ancient Turfrae at the same time. Actually he was there first, he’s a couple of years older. By the time I started, he was already establishing himself as an important leader in the Human Purity movement, which had begun a few years before with a small group of professors and students. Simply a theoretical thing at first. Silverstones — as he was then, he hadn’t inherited the County yet — took it and made it a movement.”
He flushed, and rubbed the back of his neck. “There was a girl I wanted to get to know, and I heard her say to a friend of hers that she was going to one of his meetings, so I went along, hoping, you know… And I didn’t see her, but I listened to him speak. He was good. Brilliant, really. Inspirational. In those days he was more subtle, his arguments were more sophisticated, tuned, I suppose, to his audience. I started going regularly, and he took notice of me, cultivated me. In retrospect it was obviously because I was related to the Realmgold, but at the time he made it seem like it was for me, myself, that he respected me and valued me. He was good at that. He did it with everyone who he thought he could use, more or less, but I didn’t pay attention to that. I… I became a follower. A passionate one. I was looking for meaning in history, some overarching story, and Silverstones and his group provided it. And I was looking for a group to belong to, as well, one that made me feel like what I did and said and thought was important.
“At that time a lot of the history faculty were starting to come over to a Human Purity line. But there was one professor, an older man, near retirement. He was my favourite teacher, because he made everything so interesting and vivid. He would take us walking around Ancient Turfrae and describe things that had happened in the places where we stood, and you could almost imagine they were happening in front of you. I still remember his lecture in front of the Column of Willing practically word for word.
“Anyway, he had always stayed quiet on Human Purity, for or against. His great work was a translation of an old Elvish book. He’d spent twenty years on it. And one day I arrived in his office for a tutorial, and he was excited. He’d been working on his translation, and he’d found, he said, evidence that when the elves had brought us, humans, to this world, they’d changed us somehow so that we could do magic.”
“Interesting,” said Victory. “They would certainly have been capable of something like that, from all I’ve read.”
“Yes, they would. Both technically and morally. But of course the first thing I seized on was what that would mean for Human Purity. It would mean not only that we weren’t pure, but that nonhumans had shaped us, made us what we are.”
“I suppose I can see that. You argued?”
“I was an insufferable little snot, if you call that arguing. Ended up storming out and going straight to Silverstones.”
“What did he say?”
“Thanked me for drawing it to his attention.”
Determined shifted uncomfortably in his chair and ran his hands through his hair, then squeezed them together. “The next day, there was a fire in the professor’s rooms.”
“His translation?”
“Yes, and the Elvish original. But he came in unexpectedly, and somehow he hit his head, and… Well, between that and the smoke… He was an old man.”
Now there is a character who is not going to sit in the airship and watch things happen. (If you enjoyed it, it’s from Realmgolds, and you can get it from Amazon through that link.)